I'm sorry to hear you're positive Tara. I wish you a speedy recovery. Feeling that we're helpless can be daunting, but life usually falls back to it tracks eventually. Any step you take (figuratively and literally speaking) will be a forward one.

Plus, you said it best: we'll be brave like we always have. Let us hope 2022 will be kinder.

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thank you so much ines, you’re absolutely right! stay safe and healthy

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hi, tara

so sorry to hear about it but i wish you a speedy recovery. always think that hands we have cannot hold the entire world and control everything, feeling helpless is the worst part in many situations but the relief of non of us being alone in this makes me feel less helpless and hold my loved ones hands.

thank you for all newletters 2021 I'll kept them in my special room for those days when i need some reminders. i wish you 2022 with kindness, widsom, love full of living things

sending alot love for and your family

the sun will rise brighter tomorrow <3 i love this song https://open.spotify.com/track/7D0RhFcb3CrfPuTJ0obrod?si=3XsuaUr-SyieIYijabbr6A&utm_source=copy-link and this one too https://open.spotify.com/track/1RNtm45kw0hPMBz7gKiIYu?si=AMC225owRXyy3kEoxKh9fA&utm_source=copy-link

see you soon my friend, stay healthy and safe <3

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oh, tara. words cannot express how much i Felt this one...

i also!! tested positive only two or so days after coming home, and god. i completely and entirely understand everything you expressed here. i was so careful! i isolated and double-masked and skipped events and stayed home and did everything i was supposed to, and still ended up here, and it all feels so unfair. and i know it could be so much worse and i'm really, really glad it's not, but as you said, "I could write a million at leasts, but it'll still hurt" -- i still have been bummed out all week, despite my best efforts to put things into perspective and not feel so damn guilty/angry/helpless/generally icky. anyway. reading this did make me feel a lot better! we're in the same boat, and i hope that this time passes quickly and easily for us both. you're absolutely right -- the only thing we can do is keep on moving forward. thank you for reminding me of that.

hope you and your loved ones have a happy and healthy new year! (also, on that note, just wanted to say how much reading your letters has brightened my year <3 !!! thank you!!!!!)

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